Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Blogging Delinquency- and Just One Thing

I know, I know-- I have been a terribly delinquent blogger. Despite the fact that I promised myself (and my readership) that I would post at least once a week, and despite having tons of free time during DC's "Snowpocalypse" last week, it's been a while since I've blogged. My apologies.

Here is my brief offering for today, courtesy of Rick Hanson's "Just One Thing" newsletter. I'll post a link to the full article when it's online, but today Dr. Hanson urged his readers to enact a practice of taking more breaks. (Maybe like the one I took from blogging?)
The modern, pedal-to-the-metal lifestyle produces chronic stress and tension, and related physical and mental health issues. It also crowds out creative pursuits, friendships, recreation, spiritual life, and time for children and mates. As a therapist, I often see families where one or both parents work 50+ hours a week; the job is an elephant in the living room, crowding everything else to the margins.

Imagine for a moment that you are sitting comfortably somewhere during the last year of your life, and looking back and reflecting. Do you think you are going to wish you had spent more time on the job or doing housework?

Or wish you had spent more time relaxing, hanging out with friends, and looking at the stars?
Because our ancestors actually spent more than twice as much time relaxing as we do today, in between running away from saber-tooth tigers I guess. Go figure.

Dr. Hanson also offers a number of tips for taking more breaks. These include:
  • Give yourself permission.
  • Renounce everything else.
  • Take lots of micro-breaks.
  • Shift gears.
  • Get out.
  • Unplug.
  • Make your body happy.
  • Go on a mental holiday.
  • Keep your stress needle out of the red zone.
  • Be grateful.
Good advice, indeed-- hard to follow, though. This will be something I will be thinking more about, as I am currently in the process of deciding what my Lenten discipline is going to be this year. I try to pick something that I've always intended to do, and something that will help me focus my mind on where I think it should be. Will update when I decide.

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